A lot more than a law firm...






With a deep understanding of the law and a commitment to client satisfaction, we strive to achieve favorable outcomes in areas such as;


  • Litigation  
  • Contracts
  • Property Law
  • Wills & Probate
  • Company Formation 
  • Residency Permit 
  • Certified Translation  Services 


company formatıon ın north cyprus


Our firm specializes in providing company incorporation services, capitalizing on the dynamic economic growth in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to offer enticing opportunities for investors.


  • Reserve Company Name

  • Drafting  Memorandum and Articles, MŞ1,2,3documents

  • Submit documents at the  Department of Registrar of Companies

  • Register at the Tax Department

  • Consultancy 



north cyprus property ınvestment 

We provide legal and procedural advice in real estate related matters and transactions,Our real estate advisory services include


  • Investment Consultancy
  • Conveyancing
  • Land Registry Search
  • Trustee services
  • Permission to Purchase (PTP) Applications.
  • Contract Registration
  • Obtain Tax Clearances
  • Transfer the Title Deeds 

Wills, Probate Administration of Estates 

Our services  include:

  • Advising and drafting of wills and trusts
  • Filing of the will at the District Court Court 
  • Executor of will, trustee, protector services
  • Acting as administrators in probate
  • Applying to the courts in Northern Cyprus for a grant of probate or grant of letters of administration
  • Applying to the courts for re-sealing of foreign grants of probate
  • Selling assets of the estate for and on behalf of the heirs
  • Obtaining tax clearances for the distribution of the estate
  • Distributing the estate to the beneficiaries
  • Litigation on contentious probate and wills